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86-88 Lê Văn Duyệt
Quận Bình Thạnh, TPHCM, Việt Nam

+ (84) 283 547 4168

Năm: 2024


Use case 1: Chiến dịch Omni marketing cho Diet Olipop

Hypothesis: As the Trade Marketing Manager of soft drink brand called “Olipop”, your goal is to enhance penetration and create trials for the new Diet Olipop formula across high-end restaurants in Saigon, Vietnam. Here’s how TCM can handle this project. 1….

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Tiếp thị Omni là gì?

As technology continues to advance and become increasingly intertwined with our daily lives, the boundaries between online and offline experiences are fading away. This shift in behavior demands a response from marketers, sales teams, and customer support representatives. To meet the…

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